
What is a Listener?

A listener is a building block of the bots. A listener is used to provide an endpoint for all the applications that want to send the data to TrendRPA and offer resources to the application to run automations on. Listeners require no code writing, Listeners are created within the application and expose a URL for external applications to call. Listeners require no integrations.

It is a webhook URL that is used to serve as an endpoint for all the third party applications that want to send data to TrendRPA.

How to Create a Listener?

  1. Log in to the application.

  2. Select Listeners from the side menu.

  3. Select + New option.

  4. Select the webhook type and then click Next.

  5. Write the Webhook name and Description and select Next.

  6. Copy the Secret and URL and use them in the 3rd Party Applications.

How to test a Listener?

A listener is automatically considered tested after it is called at least once.

How to view a Listener?

To View a listener select the edit button on that listener and then select next twice, after you have reached the last page, you can view the URL as well as the other details for the Webhook.

To check what was the last webhook data, click on Test on that page, it will show the fields that were present in the last webhook call.