
An Integration refers to a pre-built connection between the platform and a specific third-party service or tool. Integrations enable the platform to interact with other tools and services, such as -

  • Cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP),
  • Communication tools (Microsoft Teams, Slack, SMS),
  • Security tools (Trend Micro Cloud One, Conformity) and more.

Each integration offers a set of functionalities and methods that you can use to interact with the external tool or service.

For example, the AWS integration provides a set of methods for managing AWS resources, such as creating, updating, and deleting EC2 instances or S3 buckets. Similarly, the Microsoft Teams integration provides methods for sending messages to a Teams channel.

Users can also create custom integrations by using webhooks.

Connecting an Integration

To connect an integration,


Step 1: Go to the Integrations page by clicking on the integrations in the left side panel.
Step 2: Select the integration you want to connect, Click on AWS in this case.
Step 3: Enter the information in the fields -

  • Account Name/Alias: Enter a meaningful alias for the integration.
  • Groups: Work like labels in Gmail, you can organize multiple integrations into different groups.
  • Default Discovery Bots: These out-of-the-box bots will help you see stats of your AWS account. For example, you can see how many S3 buckets you have in your account.

Step 4: Click Next.
Step 5: Select Execution Method -- Automated is pre-selected.
Step 6: Click Next.
Step 7: Before Clicking on Launch Stack,

Ensure you have a logged-in session of the AWS account in the same browser.

If you do not have a logged-in session of AWS account in the same browser then copy the link and open it where there is a logged-in session of AWS account in the same browser.

If everything is ready then -

Click on Launch Stack. You'll be redirected to the AWS account to deploy a AWS CloudFormation Stack.
