
Workspace offers a cloud-based automation platform powered by an AI engine that enables users to build and deploy automation bots at scale.

You can deploy automation workspace in AWS, which means that you controls your workspace AWS account and this AWS account handles the underlying infrastructure, security, and scalability, while users can focus on their automation bot workflows.

Here are some key AWS-related features of our platform's Workspace:

  1. Scalability of workspace: our platform on AWS workspace allows users to create customized scalable service that can scale up or down based on the size and complexity of their automation workloads. Users can customize these services to include different compute and networking configurations.

  2. Integration with AWS Cognito: You can integrate our platform with the AWS Cognito service to authenticate your users with built-in users or single sign-on. This allows users to manage easily and protect user authentication for automation engineers.

  3. Integration with AWS ECS and AWS Lambda: our platform workspace uses AWS ECS and AWS Lambda service to run automation workflow service for your operations automation in AWS. This integration allows users to take advantage of the powerful server less compute, while also leveraging the collaborative, no-code and low code environment of our platform.

  4. Integration with AWS API Gateway: our platform workspace server less component uses AWS API Gateway to securely connect with frontend. It also provides AWS cloud native security and availability controls for using automation services.

  5. Integration with AWS DynamoDB and DocumentDB: our platform workspace uses noSQL database to store metadata and bot related data to non relational database. With database stored in your own private VPC you can fully control and own data generated and stored by bot management platform.

  6. Security and compliance: our platform workspace on AWS provides a number of security and compliance features, such as role-based access control, encryption, and compliance with industry standards like HIPAA and GDPR. Users can also take advantage of AWS security features, such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), to further secure automation workflows.

Services used by Workspace

  • Lambda Functions
  • ECS Cluster (Fargate Based)
  • DynamoDB (1 Instance)
  • Document DB (2 Tables)
  • Cloud9
  • AWS VPC, Subnets, Elastic IP and Internet Gateway
  • API Gateway
  • Cognito User Pools
  • Cognito Identity Pools
  • IAM Roles and Custom Policies
  • Cloudwatch Events (Scheduled Events)
  • Cloudwatch Logs