
To access an API, you will need an authorization header. The general format for authorization is as follows:

Header - Authorization | Value - ApiKey ApiKeyId:ApiKeySecret

Using Command Line Interface

For Linux/MacOS

Using the command line, enter the following command, replacing API_URL, ApiKeyId, and ApiKeySecret with the relevant values:

curl API_URL --header "Authorization : ApiKey ApiKeyId:ApiKeySecret"

For Windows

Using the Command Prompt (not Powershell), enter the following command, replacing API_URL, ApiKeyId, and ApiKeySecret with the relevant values:

curl API_URL -H "Authorization : ApiKey ApiKeyId:ApiKeySecret"

Using Postman Application

Postman works for both Windows and Linux/MacOS.

  1. Download the Postman application here.
  2. Select GET as the request type.
  3. Enter the API URL.
  4. In the headers section, enter Authorization as the key and ApiKey ApiKeyId:ApiKeySecret as the value.
  5. Click SEND.
  • Example:
