
Fleet is a group of bots. It is a way to manage multiple bots and configure them at a central location. You can configure things like Global Communication Channel, default listener, multiple integrations, global evaluator etc. Once the fleet is ready you can deploy the fleet to multiple Integrations (Ex: AWS Accounts).


Let's say I have two integrations: aws and azure. I can organize my bots with two fleets, one for aws and one for azure. Now, if i want to change the evaluator rules for my aws bots or want to change the approval communication channel for azure bots, it can be achieved easily and with a very few steps

How to create a Fleet?

  1. Login to the application.

  2. On the left hand side, in the sidebar, click on Fleets.

  3. On the right hand side, click on + New.

  4. In the center top, title the fleet.

  5. Select bots and/or templates.

  6. Click on Next on the right side.

  7. (Optional) Set overrides.
    Override options

    • Evaluator JSON
      JSON rules for the evaluator.
      • Click on Set Evaluator Json.
      • Enter JSON in the textfield.
          "rules": [
                  "id": "r-0.8576993410005961",
                  "field": "id",
                  "operator": "begins_with",
                  "valueSource": "value",
                  "value": "sample"
                  "id": "g-0.5458054448633298",
                  "rules": [],
                  "combinator": "and",
                  "not": false
          "combinator": "and",
          "not": false
      • id: unique id of the evaluator
      • rules: array of rule objects
        • id: unique id of the rule
        • field: the field which the rule will evaluate
          Possible values:
          • id
          • name
          • createdOn
          • isPublicRead
          • isPublicWrite
          • tags.Key
          • tags.Value
          • region
        • operator: type of evaluation operation
          Possible values:
          • begins_with
          • not_begins_with
          • between
          • not_between
          • contains
          • not_contains
          • ends_with
          • not_ends_with
        • valueSource: where the value is coming from
        • value: the actual value of the evaluator
      • combinator: the combination operation type
        Possible values:
        • and: logical and operation
        • or: logical or operation
      • not: boolean used to negate the rule. The opposite of the rule is true if value of this field is false.
        You can also nest the rules.
    • Approval Integration
      Integration for sending approval notifications.
      • Choose Type.
      • Choose an Account Id (integration id).
      • Choose an Automation (integration action).
  8. Click on Done.

  9. Now Hover on fleet and select Deploy.

  10. Select all the integrations you want to deploy to and save it. The fleet will now create all the Bots.

How to view a Fleet?

  1. Login to the application.

  2. On the left hand side, in the sidebar, click on Fleets.

  3. Click on the name of the fleet you want to view.

How to add or remove the templates/Bots for a Fleet?

  1. Login to the application.

  2. On the left hand side, in the sidebar, click on Fleets.

  3. Select the Fleet you want to add templates to.

  4. Add and remove the template that you want for the fleet.

  5. Click on Save. The Bots will be created/removed according to the changes.

How to add or remove the Integrations to a Fleet?

  1. Login to the application.

  2. On the left hand side, in the sidebar, click on Fleets.

  3. Hover over the Fleet you want to add integrations to and select Deploy.

  4. Add and remove the integrations as needed.

  5. Click on Save. The Bots will be created/removed according to the changes.