
A fetcher refers to a component that retrieves information from a specified source. This information can be used by automations to perform various tasks, such as updating security groups or sending messages.

Fetchers can be used to retrieve information from a wide range of sources, including cloud platforms, databases, and APIs. Fetchers are defined as part of the bot building process and are integrated into the bot's workflows. The information retrieved by the fetchers is passed to the automations, which use it to perform the desired tasks.

In summary, fetchers play an important role by providing the information needed for automations to perform their tasks. Fetchers makes it easy to retrieve information from a wide range of sources, allowing you to build bots that are capable of performing a wide range of tasks with ease.


Let's say I have many EC2 instances in AWS. By creating the fetcher, I will get all the EC2 instances with their details created in all AWS regions. Now I can use these details to perform any automations.

How to Create a Fetcher?

  1. On the left hand side, in the sidebar, click on Fetchers.
  2. On the right hand side, click on +New.
  3. Choose the integration type.
  4. Give a name to fetcher and select client.
  5. Provide your code under the code section.
  6. Click on Create.
  7. Now you need to Test your fetcher.

How to Test a Fetcher?

  1. On the left hand side, in the sidebar, click on Fetchers.
  2. Click on the fetcher you want to test.
  3. Click on Test on the top right.
  4. Select your integration with which you want to test the fetcher.
  5. Click on Run.

How to view a Fetcher?

  1. On the left hand side, in the sidebar, click on Fetchers.
  2. Click on the name of the fetcher you want to view.