
A Bot is an automated unit for remediation that runs an automation based on data from a data source (either a Fetcher or Listener) and is filtered through an Evaluator.

Types of bot?

Event Driven Bot (with a Listener data source)

An event-driven bot is a type of bot that is triggered by specific events or actions taken by users. Unlike traditional bots, which simply respond to user inputs, event-driven bots are designed to automatically initiate a conversation or perform specific tasks based on pre-defined events or conditions.

For example, an event-driven bot could be set up to automatically send a message to a customer when their order is shipped, or to send a reminder to a user when a payment is due. The bot is able to detect these events and take appropriate action, without the need for manual intervention or user input.

Event-driven bots can be especially useful for automating routine tasks, increasing efficiency and reducing the need for manual intervention. They can also provide a more personalized and engaging user experience, by initiating conversations or providing relevant information at just the right time.

Scheduled Bot (with a Fetcher data source)

A scheduled bot is a type of chatbot that runs on a predetermined schedule or at specific intervals. Unlike event-driven bots, which are triggered by specific actions or events, scheduled bots operate according to a pre-defined schedule, regardless of user inputs.

For example, a scheduled bot could be set up to send a daily weather report to users at a specific time each day, or to remind users of an upcoming event at a predetermined interval. The bot runs on a set schedule, without the need for user input, providing a highly automated and convenient experience.

Scheduled bots can be useful for automating repetitive tasks and providing users with timely and relevant information, even if they don't actively engage with the bot. They can also be a useful tool for organizations looking to maintain a consistent and reliable level of communication with their customers, even when manual intervention is not possible.

How to create a Bot?

  1. Log into the Application.

  2. Go to the left hand menu and select "Bots".

  3. Click on the "New" button on the right hand side.

To Create Event Driven Bot (with a Listener data source)

  1. Choose Event Driven Bot (with a Listener data source) .

  2. Fill in the required details, such as the name of the Bot, title, category, severity, etc. (Note: The Bot Name cannot be changed once the Bot has been created).

  3. Fill in the integration details, which corresponds to the integration type and integration ID for the Automation in Event Driven Bots.

  4. After filling in the details, select the "OK" button at the bottom.

  5. Select the desired Listener from the new window that appears, which displays all Listeners that have run/been called successfully at least once.

  6. Add an Evaluator to the Bot by clicking the (+) button.

  7. Add a rule to the Evaluator by clicking the (+) Rule button and selecting the attribute, operation, and value to be evaluated against.

  8. Click "OK" and save the Evaluator.

  9. To add Automations, click the (+) button on the Evaluator for the desired number of actions.

  10. Edit the Action by choosing the Automation Type, either Take Action (Mutation) or Notify (Communication).

  11. Select the Automation to run after the resource has passed through the Evaluator.

  12. Update any required parameters for the Automation.

  13. If an approval is necessary, select the Approval Automation and the approval integration.

  14. Click "OK" to save the Action details and "Save" to complete the Bot creation.

To Create Scheduled Bot (with a Fetcher data source)

  1. Choose Scheduled Bot (with a Fetcher data source) .

  2. Fill in the required details, such as the name of the Bot, title, category, severity, etc. (Note: The Bot Name cannot be changed once the Bot has been created).

  3. Fill in the integration details, which corresponds to the integration type and integration ID for the Automation in Scheduled Bots.

  4. After filling in the details, select the "OK" button at the bottom.

  5. Select the desired Fetcher from the new window that appears, which displays all Fetchers that have run/been called successfully at least once.

  6. Add an Evaluator to the Bot by clicking the (+) button.

  7. Add a rule to the Evaluator by clicking the (+) Rule button and selecting the attribute, operation, and value to be evaluated against.

  8. Click "OK" and save the Evaluator.

  9. To add Automations, click the (+) button on the Evaluator for the desired number of actions.

  10. Edit the Action by choosing the Automation Type, either Take Action (Mutation) or Notify (Communication).

  11. Select the Automation to run after the resource has passed through the Evaluator.

  12. Update any required parameters for the Automation.

  13. If an approval is necessary, select the Approval Automation and the approval integration.

  14. Click "OK" to save the Action details and "Save" to complete the Bot creation.